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Throughout this masterful book, Rav Oury Cherki offers the quintessence of long years of Torah study and a far-reaching reading in human affairs, allowing him to analyze a wide range of topical subjects which today seem to confront our societies.

 A wide range of topics.

The Purpose of Life *The Evil Inclination *Free Will *The Religious Experience *The War of Ideas *Torah and Science *The Divine Origin of the Torah *Bible Criticism *How to study the Hebrew Bible *Philosophy and Prophecy *Truth and Beauty *Music*Towards a Theater of Revelation *Technology *Environmentalism *Vegetarianism *The Journey *Secularism and Knowing God *Holiness and Nature *The Pains of the Redemption *The Audacity of Repentance

This is an incredible opportunity to help spread R. Oury Cherki’s unique torah to a wide audience around the world including millions of English-speaking Jews, as well as growing communities of Noahides around the world.


*Prophecy is a phenomenon that has vanished from the world since the death of the last prophet, Malachi. We are not talking about creati inspiration or poetic flare, and not even the divine spirit which rested on the great Jewish scholars over the generations. Blaise Pascal, the French philosopher, defined prophecy as a state in which man speaks with God out of certainty, but the definition that arises from a straight-forward reading of scripture is precisely the opposite: prophecy is a state of certainty in which God speaks to man

*The role of philosophy for the Jewish people is to comprehend intellectually what our forefathers understood through experience. While philosophy for the nations is only what the philosopher says to himself, philosophy for Israel is the attempt to grasp intellectually the content of values whose origin is in the Infinite One…. 

*We can learn two points from above regarding the Torah’s attitude toward technology. First, that progress is desirable in God’s eyes. Second, that God is interested in man’s partnership in advancing technology. The God of Israel created the world incomplete, and he wants man to complete it through his actions, as expressed by the phrase “that God created to do” (Bereishit, 2:3)…

?Participate in spreading the book in Israel and around the World!
Cover type: Paperback
Number of pages: 414
Size (cm): 21 × 13.5
language: English
Date of publication: 2022
ISBN: 978-965-7466-11-07
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